Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
April Audkdk
September 11, 2012
The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler and C. Keville
Chairman: B. Kelley
Old Business:
Hearing on 121 High Road.- A withdrawal of Docket # F311757-11 and F316634-12 was received. Abatements will be processed.
Re-Organization of office
Classification 11/13/2012
Normal Business:
- Minutes – The minutes for August 24 & September 4th were read and accepted.
- Public Participation Session - Pricilla Sabatino, 23 Fatherland Drive gave the suggestion that individual notes should be sent to inform taxpayers of any upcoming inspections. Carrie noted to the board that notice was placed in the newspaper and on the town website. The data collectors carry a letter written by Carrie. The police and town clerk are notified.
Susan Noyes was asked her opinion. She thought the website and newspaper were good. She suggested a flyer be placed in the tax bill.
Peter thought calls should be made. Budd responded this task was to time consuming. Sandy asked if we could send a reverse E-911 call. Carrie will look into the possibilities.
- Monthly Manager’s Meeting update - The meeting will be held tomorrow 10:00 a.m. at the library. Chuck Kostro, Director of the Essex Regional Retirement System will be the speaker. Carrie and Budd will attend.
- ATB - 3 35th Street – hearing dated 10/9/2012 – No board member can attend on this date. Carrie informed the board that she had made several unsuccessful calls. Budd suggested a call to Michelle Tallent, ATB Clerk be made.
- RE & PP Abatements – A FY2012 501 personal property bill for 36 Northern Blvd. was reviewed. Sandy motioned to abate the bill under Chapter 59 section 82. Budd seconded the motion. All were in favor.
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Budd spoke with the board about the emails that had transpired regarding New Growth. He asked that the estimate provided be used. Ginny then clarified how the estimate was made and when Tracy may expect an update. Peter asked to be removed from the email list.
Carrie informed the board that a directive from Tracy to make all address changes in Patriot as well as SoftRight was received. Carrie explained that she called Soft Right and asked how to make the changes. An email was received from Diane, Treasurer stating a different method to enter the address changes. The email was forwarded to SoftRight. Budd motioned that a letter be drafted to request our input if any vendor makes changes that will affect our office. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor. Budd will draft the letter.
Budd informed the board members that he has been to see the records at the Woodbridge school this past week. He commended Carrie and Katrina for their work.
Carrie showed the board a floor plan, made by Katrina Johnson, Senior Worker to accommodate our new office furniture. Budd noted to thank her for her good work. The monies came from a town meeting vote to upgrade town hall. The majority of the board were in favor.
- Mail – The Bureau of Local Assessment sent notice that Verizon has won the FY2009 court case. October 9, 2012 a final value should be made regarding the abatement expected from Newbury.
At 6:35 Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Sandy seconded the motion. All were in favor.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
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Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy